We invite submissions in the general field of dynamic logic, its variants and applications, including (but not restricted to):
- Dynamic logic, foundations and applications
- Logics with regular modalities
- Modal/temporal/epistemic logics
- Kleene and action algebras and their variants
- The interface between logic and learning
- Quantum dynamic logic
- Co-algebraic modal/dynamic logics
- Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics
- Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems
- Dynamic epistemic logic
- Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics and temporal logics
- Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for dynamic logics
Submission and Proceedings
Submissions of original papers (unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere), up to 15 pages (12 pages of main text + 3 pages of appendix and references), are invited through:
The submissions should be anonymous and should follow the LNCS formatting style. LaTeX users (preferred) can download the LNCS template directly here ; Word users can do the same, here.
A post-proceedings volume (LNCS) and a special issue of a journal are planned, and will be confirmed soon.